Can bad RGH3 wire routing make an xbox freeze during gameplay? Or is it something else? Trinity 16mb NAND + 4gb module
Xbox 360 trinigty no image after flashing RGH
Rgh3'd jasper v1 after a failed attempt! Whats a good way to stress test a phat console for reliability?
Cheapest Way to RGH a 360 Slim (Trinity)?
Saved a 4GB E that someone had destroyed the PLL via and a eMMC pad on. Instaboots every time.
All that careful scraping and soldering....success! Corona RGH3 via picoflasher
Wife is starting to get suspicious...
Picoboot - Need help at this point
Picoboot help, pico board frying.
3D printed practice balls are extrenely viable and look super cool...
Almost broke my wrist 2 days before a planned golf trip, shot better than I expected...
Dummy13 - Printed at 100% and 200% for size comparison.
3D printed my agent skin via importing game files to blender and posing him (Yes, the AK is probably scaled a bit big lol)
I'm upset that I didn't know about FPV until now
MAJOR Counter-Strike 2 update for 2/6/24 (2/7/24 UTC, A Call to Arms)
Yes, it's annual "justify my anti-competitive behavior" week on the sub. Don't be that manager. [annual repost]
Release Notes for 11/8/2023
CS2 consistent frametime spikes ~90ms
Release Notes for 10/9/2023
Release Notes for 9/1/2023
[TOMT] [Movie] Black protagonist is shot in the street while carrying groceries at the very end, (with a suppressed pistol?)
If you’re going to attempt the world record speedrun for fastest return to lobby, go play Solos
PC Patch Live Now: An Update on PC Crashes
Daily Discussion | March 21, 2019
Apex Legends - Loading Issues / Game Issues March 15, 2019