Met Tobin & Shawnee yesterday with my fiancé and they signed my Master’s grad cap💜💜
Donald Trump is a _______ guy.
Which character is more evil?
You there, yeah you! Have you tried ____ yourself?
What would you do if a swarm of incests attack you
GO _______ GO!!!
Trees are ____.
And thy punishment is ________________
The only way to become good at ____ is by rigorous hard work.
What’s the most underrated ‘cheat code’ for life that more people should know?
What’s something you struggle with daily?
What's something you believe in without any proof for it?
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from a failure?
____ is so fucking gay.
What’s the biggest thing you’ve learnt in life?
What little things have you learned lately that were life changing for you?
What’s something that cemented your opinion on if you want kids or not?
What attracts men to a woman who is not physically?
Ooga booga with any letter at the beginning breaks translate. Try it and see the conundrums you can create
How can I be racist? My president is _______.
You’re ______, you don’t even know what you got
I’m sorry, but he unfortunately will not return in Season 3
How do you feel about mommy long legs?
I’m a woman that identifies as a ____. Yes we exist