Genuine question
Comment smth and I'll guess your gpa
Is he worth it?
I didn't expect to be so lucky
Who would win
name me your favourite normal sparking unit and i'll rate them from 1-10
What's your favorite alternative costume. I'll go first
Rate my team(powerful opponents)
Give Me Some Of Your Most Wanted SPARKING Zenkais. I’ll go first.
What do your arts card sleeves say about you?
Delete your ex's n*des NOW!!!
What my account worth?
GG. Now what?
What’s the best team I can make with these current units?
Show me your avatar and I’ll tell you what they smell like!
I’m bored, make the dumbest team possible for me and I’ll try and win with it
Would my avatar bully you based on your avatar?
What’s the best team I can make not future
tell me your favourite unit (and let me rank you)
Memories or ending
Rating avatars (And giving criticisms)
If you want to go in, tell me your favorite color, movie, and game...
Been playing for like 2-3 weeks. This good?
What’s the plan?