ELI5: How are calories measured?
Fulfilling your potential means it's not potential any more and nobody wants to be someone with no potential.
There are barely any good British shows
Vomitting in movies is unnecessary
Who are the biggest atrocious influencer/youtuber?
Ban non-stun slaughter in the UK Petition - Crazy this has not been banned already. Parliament Debate at 100k signings
British Airways pilot back in the skies after snorting drugs off woman's breasts before flight
I Got the Best of Both Worlds
What’s one thing you absolutely have to do every morning to start your day right?
White House press secretary claims French should be ‘grateful’ to US they are ‘not speaking German’
ELI5: what’s up with my internet speed
Why do cars have no battery life indication like most ofher wireless devices
It’s certainly not a full English, but I think it has most of the star players
One of my Weetabix Minis is completely smooth.
Minister vows ‘life on sickness benefits to end’ as Labour looks to prevent rebellion
Why do people back into parking spaces?
If technology is a drug, what are some of the side effects?
Anyone else see this "Noah's Ark found?" story? Seriously, what's going on here?
I don’t think that’s how women work…
What is a car that felt like it was everywhere like anchovies not long ago, but all of a sudden, become as rare as Tequila Splitfin?
Everyone looks so done with Trump
Sick 'rave-head' punched pregnant woman in the face and told her 'you can bin bag the baby – I hope you both die'
More than one million foreigners claiming benefits
ELI5: how did china get so advanced?