What are some cheap(ish) to shoot lever gun calibers?
Having the hardest time deciding between a 30-30 and a 357
What's this part called?
What Pokemon shares its height or weight with you?
Would a hurley be a good weapon?
What do yall think of the collection so far?
Looking to buy my first lever action rifle. Looking something Modern and Tactical, 357 caliber, Short/threaded barrel, Reliable and a wide availability of after market accessories. TIA
I need white people to be honest. Do you secretly use the n word? While you’re driving and listening to music or just randomly?
I have off body carried in a bag for the past four years. Here's what I have learned.
Is there a similar alternative to pocket carry?
VP9 the long way
Finally got my Marschall Grips. Looking as classy as a Poor Man's PPK can.
Bodyguard 2.0 in .32acp ?
You get paid 75K a year but you MUST take good care of an animal I assign to you.
Which truck for people who don't need a truck?
5.7x28 55gr Subsonic Ammo going about 1040 fps reliably.
Does anyone else want weapons that aren’t just guns and blades?
One-handed Self Defense, Carry
New(used) Ruger LCR 357 owner looking for advice
A quick reminder that french special forces had this...
Help me pick
Broski, we're heading out for a dinner and a movie with the crew, which are you grabbing?
Three to protect you while the other six try to end you 5.0
Looking for a PDW/pistol in 5.7x28 that use the same mags
Why 380?