Functional skills level 2 edexcel resources?
Stuck on geometry questions
I recommend a app called “Gauth” on the play store and App Store to do your spare questions for you it very rarely gets them wrong
£6 fry up Claires cafe
how do i solve this idiotic question (photomath & gauthmath were being little shits and kept on giving me the wrong answer)
thoughts on my girlfriends music taste?
is my music taste gay???
Guess my age and 1st and 30th artists
I’m trans, do you hate me because of it?
Brits around during that time: was Tony Blair as popular as portrayed?
Name a song that makes you want to this:
Guess whatever about me based on my top artists
Rate my tastes & Tell me your assumptions about me
Reply to this post but with one rule. You can only reply with pictures
Guess my age, gender, sexuality and my number 1
guess my age sexuality gender and what mental disorder im diagonised with impossible
Comment your favorite song & i'll rate it
Guess my age, gender and sexuality based on those
Bro this is r/teenagers
Bubble and squeak
Tell me
Can you 14 year olds stop getting people pregnant?
I hate shitting at work
i just wanna say doing the right thing actually sucks sometimes