Ricochet fires shots at John Cena (Slave name)
Oh you don’t want to hear this. This is tough for you. Oh, you’re not ready to hear this! You’re not ready to lean in to an uncomfortable conversation. The truth is: Vince killed Owen Hart at Kemper Arena on May 23, 1999.
DAE we did it??? Yeet Man is getting fired soon and his WrestleMania match is going to another catchphrase merchant
Wake up Goofs, highly inaccurate YouTube Return Dislike Button extension numbers dropped: Yeet Man Bad.
How DARE the Fed coming to the Dub's turf and trying to drive away tickets from All-In?! Don't look at the distance between the cities.
“I'm hurt, I'm old, I'm tired, and I work with f*cking children”
DAE John Cena’s promo was an abysmal failure because he didn’t tie in the Rock or the 17th World Championship?
“You’re an embarrassment! I talked to SCJerk after your botch today, and they’re M*rks just like the basement!”
John Cena this, Cody Rhodes that, Lexis King is back on NXT for gods sake!
"John Cena is invisible" jokes were a longtime WON subscriber
"For YEARS, all I've done is TAKE and TAKE and TAKE. BECAUSE I. AM. A. BOTTOM." (GAY SEX)
As far as your anti-bullying-campaign goes, the WWE Universe one of the biggest bullies I have ever met
People Aren’t Ditching EV, They’re Ditching Tesla (for Obvious Reasons)
DAE 'Cope vs. Dope' already is Match-of-the-Year 2025 according to MeltzBrains and Mr. Fozzy?
You’re just mad because you’re not having as much FUN as we are.
TV Anime "Summer Pockets" Key Visual
I propose that we put Meltzer review scores and quotes on the posters of all PLEs and banger matches. Cinema !
Make sure to vote “AEW having the leader of a thinly veiled Neo-Nazi movie tribute stable Curb Stomp a black man” as the 2025 winner of WON’s coveted Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic award. It’s the right thing to do.
Pinball Man-Baby finally finds a finisher that doesn’t require a 10-minute anime power-up sequence
'Solo Leveling' Overtakes 'One Piece' and 'Demon Slayer' as the Most-Rated Anime on Crunchyroll
Vanessa Hudgens runs into a grifter at a local indie event
The face you make when DIY can’t get a reaction anywhere
Paula defeating the allegations
See? The latest hard reset is working!