What April fools this year might look like?
Bruh the f35 is getting canceled bruh XD
Ash & Pikachu vs. Friede & Captain Pikachu!! Art by (@THSinaz_Art)
The Commo Rose in the leaks
So if Jews get to have their own state, should black Americans also get their own state?
Even More Questions yet again
All The Horizions Haters Can Shut Up Now
Yeah this is Roy btw
pls im on my knees rn
Wishlist of weapons in BF6
I hate current "Assault"
Ayo what?
I'm manifesting it right now
Leaked M249 Gameplay
We all agree this shouldn’t come back, right?
PLS Tell me I'm Wrong
FWI aftermath in the united countries and their lore
Im gonna fckin violate Donnie for this!!!
What's your stance regarding the usage of Rakurium?
What would happen if the Arabs got a hold on these guys? [1726x500]
Should we have customization for the gunner station no?
We are so back boys !