Wow! If you're into classic RPGs, newer OSR efforts, or dungeonsynth, check out Dark Future in Portland, OR!
I want to talk shop on a TTRPG I've been building for about a year and potentially play test it. Help!
I Wrote Chive Knight! A game that looks at JRPGs from the 80s and 90s from an OSR/NuSR perspective. It's also on sale!
Teaching RPGs: A question for vets but also (almost) newbees
Best TTRPG for "monster hunter like" campaign?
Best System to run a Powerpuff Girls style game?
Tell me about your original RPG project that you're working on.
Kobold Press Picked Our NonProfit for Kobold Con '25!
Favourite System-Agnostic Books or Tips for GMs
How do you feel about the D30?
What OSR Products Are You Looking For?
Fabula Ultima - micro-review of 6 core mechanics for doubting GMs
Somehow, this is the third OSR game beer I have made in collaboration with a brewery. This one is an honor of Levi Combs of Planet X Games
ISO Tabletop RPG rec that is kid friendly!
Looking for Indian Mythology inspired setting/game
Ideas for D&D Summer Camp
What is the better Pokemon TTRPG?
Chats in all my game rooms are not loading?
We run tabletop journalism site, Rascal News! AMA!
What’s been the most high-quality RPG product you’ve backed on Kickstarter? What’s been the worst?
It's Valentine's Day, the power's out, so naturally, I'm working on my TTRPG elevator pitch. What's yours?
Anyone Played Dragepust? (Dragon's Breath)
Looking for a rules light science fantasy RPG
Monster Collecting RPGs!
Recommended systems for Pokémon?