What band would go well against the Briar Queen for two beginners playing their first game ?
Finally got my Mortarion done. Only took me a few months
My rattlings
Called the police and got caught doing so. What do I risk?
Can you make a police report anonymously?
It happened! EVERY model died! Both teams!
Army theme WIP
Facture mécanicien double du devis initial et réparation effectués sans accord préalable, que faire ?
My First Leman Russ - A Frankenstein
First one in 8 or 9 years, messed up the bandana a little and didn't realize til now lol
Im swiss and very unhappy
Solar proxy - space for more or leave as is?
Ready for the Apocalypse
Clause de non concurrence
Too late for a Lord Solar proxy?
My knights need a bit of infantry support. Fortunately, infantry is what Guard does best.
They just look so good
What is the purpose of this socket
Finished up the combat patrol and the 3 extra marines
Found this box for sale in a local shop for 160 euros. Should I go for it?
Oui, dans le tarif suisse, la virgule n'est pas à sa place
Family Photos
Tactical support inbound! (WIP)
You see that xenos over here?
Notre armée suisse et son obsolescence. Qui en est responsable?