Adult braces???
What can i do as a teenage girl to be taken seriously?!?
Am I crazy? I'm 37, she's 33. I feel like I'm crazy.
Crystal Photography
Mom 💚
Eve has arrived!
What is one thing you’ve done sexually that you’ll never do again?
Got moldavite at a psychic fair last week. I finally made a necklace from it!
My little collection
Sugary Hematite roses & Quartz from Jinlong Hill, China
Obsessed with this Smokey amethyst scepter from Zimbabwe!
My colleague is growing a spider plant at our workplace. In a windowless room. And it stays alive and even grows. Wtf? Apparently the artificial lighting is enough for it.
My husband wants another child but not me! What should I do?
AIO - Want to go to HR because a Pregnant Lady keeps complaining about how I smell
Just closed on my dream home!🏡
Embarrassing fear leading up to surgery.
How do you really decide if you want kids?
sex life after hysterectomy
Made this handbag by hand from full-grain leather
AITA If my girlfriend (16F) is pressuring me to do cocaine and I (17M) don’t want to?
Tell me about your nails. Long? Short? Etc.
Am i overreacting??
Accidental Offer Sent Out
AIO my partner of 3 years forgot Valentines Day and my birthday
No Brand? No Buy!