PrettyBoyAli Humbled
Father of two btw
Sham Drama
Sham Idress Drama
Almost under a 100 views, the fall off is real
Zaid just dropped his top supporter, Julie, from mod-what's going on?
Zaid Ali’s mother in law clash
Kazza goes off on Zaid after Zaid called his top gifter a “pig”
Zesty Ali crash out
Zaid Ali and Balenciaga
Zelegrath's Loyalty? More Like a Total Betrayal!
Zaids top gifter “Hassan” face reveal
Situation about Zaids gifters Arrest
Zaid’s gifters falling apart
Friendly roast ft 400lb Steph
Adding gifters name in bio
Downbad battles ft SCAMALIT
Zaid’s gifter Hassan feeling Pressured
ZaidAli’s Top supporter ABC arrested
Ish and Nader go off on Steph
Rest in Peace 🕊️🙏
free server they have a kiana dufor section
Who’s up to goon to queen Kiana
Kiana dufour catfish