Just curious: Anyone else have trouble with this guy?
Hi let’s be friends in DD2 :)
Morning everyone
Aku minta korang bincang dan mencipta perisa waffle rolls baharu.
A CEO, Mafia Dragon and a Cardinal Idol walk into a bar...
What does my favourite g3 vanguard card says about me?
What my G3 say about me?
Post your favorite vanguard units and let people tell you what it says about you
Let's keep this train rolling. 9th post in a row of genre in a row. Whta do my top 3 fav g3s say about me?
Future Stride Decksets
Oh hell naw💀
After all these years, I finally found the photo frame of the true MVP work horse of V Series Tachikaze!
What is the one Vanguard unit you would call your true Avatar?
Only in Malaysia…
if this is your mom what people call her ?
coming back to vanguard?
He asks for it but only a very specific number of times
Noo wayyy i want to cook fish
What's your favourite deck?
is my housemate gay?
Aight lets do this
Guys I did it
Make the comment section look like it's 2007 and Titans just came out
Hello, can i have thoughts for my deck? Idk if it’s good enough..
What is up with malay kid names nowadays????