How to get my hair to become more thicker?
Second trimester pregnancy?
13+1 day. Any ideas? 😁
Gezondheidsverklaring CBR. Waarom wachten?
Hoevaak douchen jullie?
How early did you experience shoulder pain?
Welk gerecht kun je absoluut nooit meer eten? En waarom?
What are the symptoms you experienced for an ectopic?
Problems I have with the investigation and lack of translators interrogation construction workers + thought about photo
No morning sickness normal?
Going out for my fiancées birthday tonight, and it’s been a while since I put effort into my makeup, and I feel like something’s missing? Help and thank you 💘
My take
Anybody here having an asymptomatic pregnancy? (F/28) 9 weeks.
If you could change something or some things about the Netherlands, what would you change?
Pregnancy after Ectopic- I’m terrified.
Thread for normal, boring, and uneventful pregnancies
Daklozenopvang Nijmegen
Wie is dit in Nijmegen?
Who is this in Oslo?
Scared to tell my parents esp. my mom I am pregnant.
Need to hear success stories
So I’m pregnant again…
Tips voor theorie inzicht?
5 months 5 days preggi and feeling like utter shit. How are you all feeling?
Quitting uni to do a learning-for-a-degree-work job?
Why can't I get drunk?