Receiving 8 figure inheritance, need angel investing advice
Which are your hobbies?
August 2024 Miniature of the Month
What do you consider rich?
Are the miniatures in a team box enough?
Biased Referees: Slap Chop Part 2
My poor attempt to bring some Orks I’m painting to life led to this amazing nightmare fuel
Please help me with my dry brushing
What if I just slap chop?
How much is luck a factor in getting rich?
Should we spend 40% of NW (€420k) on an unsellable vacation home on family land in Sweden? [€400k income, €1.1M NW]
Is it true that working hard is the way to becoming rich?
What do you value the most when choosing a property to live?
What’s your favourite model?
My "portable" stadium
How I paint pauldron landscapes step-by-step
Saw a post on Middle Class finance that people are retiring on less than 2M
How you guys become rich?
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech.
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
Is tournament game balanced?
How to get star players?
For the life of me, I cannot get past this screen. I've closed the game, restarted the ps5 and also reinstalled. I can't play this campaign at all.
Are Chaos Dwarfs coming back?
Are some miniatures never "reprinted"?