Schon fies aber geil
One of my dreams is to sit on a redditor's face
Will jemand mein Sperma ?
Nokia does not destroy machine
Name 1 person that can beat evil morty
Getting a snake into a bottle
The animals that went extinct in last 100 years
I am from the UK, I visited a beer merchants and got a selection of Bier - I hope i chose well?
Kann mir einer bei der Rasse helfen?
Now me - what do you see when you see my fridge?
Another one from Bratwurst Kuni
Who's this?
Checkpoint! Drop some cat photos! ❤️
The Puss Caterpillar (Southern Flannel Moth) will fuck your world up. I grazed it twice while climbing on a float. NBD at first but an hour later I was hyperventilating on the bedroom floor. The pain was excruciating. DH took me to the ER and morphine did nothing.
Wer würde sich alles freuen, wenn statt eines nächsten Podcasts, Harry Potter und der Plastikpokal beenden würde?
Ursache für dunklen Streifen an der Fassade?
Seid ihr schon mal in den falschen Zug gestiegen und wie habt ihr das Problem gelöst?
I (27F) met my partner (31M) in a threesome. AMA.
Evolution nur rückwarts
Manners you wish Ausländers knew about
Alexey Molchanov's World Record Dive to 130m, the deepest self-propelled dive in the history of freediving
Könntet ihr es euch vorstellen nach Österreich zu ziehen?