Got banned for buying coins!
Finished up year 3 of ‘Bringing the U back’
Fine, Time to break the curse…in about 10 in game years
Which School should I save next?
Uhh what?!
Thought you guys might like this. How young and dumb was I to trade in the GOAT.
Imagine being this big of a fucking loser
I did NOT expect that out of a random Event pack lol, now I have all 3 (Satan, MBP & Scuzz)
If you use cyborg tower, I automatically do not like you.
Tryna get to 1,800. Any Advice?
Come on lads! How is this happening
Is Black Gold hated because of night vision or the map design?
Introducing Deckbot
My favorite TikToker said she’s quitting the platform because of incel pervs like this…I hate everything
Okay, wake up, the dream is over. Time to get up and get ready for school. You might want to change the sheets first though.
It's always Target and it's always a 6/7 year old....
Of course I will follow the belt rule and get a student expelled.
Forgot about this one, Incel claims to like womans wrestling but calls them "Ugly Skanks" and hates the "SJW PC Culture" in WWE...
WIBTA If I sell my PS5 to my little brother?
Best MUT of all time
Everytime I try to play online with my friends or triple threat online or offline the loading screen gets stuck at 70 percent on NBA 2k20 Myteam tried to contact 2k support but they stopped answering and didn’t help
When someone asks how to chem aaron donald to a 99
Mood rn after my H2H superbowl, can u guess what happened?
Nice Steelers fant..I mean UL fantasy pack
Combine Promo done the right way. Gives us more fan favorites and stop with the drip system EA!!