Dental hygiene pre-reqs
Hesi a2 chem-math-bio-ap
What’s the most out there thing you’ve seen on a patient’s allergy list?
Best HESI A2 study guide?
Did anyone else’s nparent/s try to put them off dating or make them less attractive so that they could ‘keep’ you?
Instagram messages
Sporty&Rich doubles down on their interesting bridle in their new “Equestrian Collection”
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?
When he looks at me like this 🥹😭❤️
i made a post in here a few days ago asking about wearing these kind of boots for fashion (as someone that is not an equestrian)… i came across these saint laurent boots but i am not sure if they are meant for actually riding or if these are just for fashion? someone plz help lol
mother told everyone the lie that I’m shooting heroin years ago when I went no contact
Would you have wanted to know when you were a child your parents were different than other parents?
People that make 80k+ at 25-35 years old, what do you do?
Masters in HR management
Does anyone have anger issues or feel they are very quick to anger?
What do you make of President Trump's plans to dismantle the Education Department?
What was your narcs favorite gaslighting phrase?
Parents of bullied children ARE THE FIRST BULLIES
were you ever excited to see you parents after school etc as a child?
What restaurant in ABQ is OVERLY hyped?
Millennials: what is a phrase that you would never hear today but that we heard constantly as children?
Any part time jobs for a 15 year old
Any of your nparents super cheap, but not frugal. They are a penny wise, but a thousand pounds foolish. It is such an annoying thought process. They will spend $20 to “save” $1. I can’t be in the presence of such stupidity.
Children of Narcissists- what is something you still struggle with as an adult?
Did anyone else sense that your parent is jealous of you?