This new scream is DISGUSTING. Very dark vocals. If it’s any indication of what we’re gonna get on the next album, I'm excited.
What's a movie you never get tired of watching?
Omni-Mark and Viltrum Mark are 100% my fav Invincible Variants. What about yours?
What is The First film you think when you see Jake gyllhenhaal?
I haven't listened to slipknot in a while
Which Slipknot song has you like this?
Finally listened to the whole album today. It’s probably the most interesting album I have ever listened to.
Top 5 fav slipknot songs from WANYK
What is the hardest headbang to a slipknot song you've done
Top 5 fav slipknot songs from their self titled
Is he taking the win or Nah?
Say Something Nice About Batman
First concept art for ‘AVENGERS: DOOMSDAY’
Im new at the gym and seen people biting a chain, what does that mean?
What’s the most frustrating and irritating thing about Batman?
I want ya’ll to be Completely unbiased when i ask this, what are your actual opinions on eloy, and pfaff?
Spider-Man 3 should be a Peter Parker only game.
Top 3 favorite songs from self-titled
First look at Spider Gwen in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Could a not holding back Spiderman have defeated Venom on his own?
Which Slipknot song makes you do this?
Sam Wilson and the super soldier serum
What song is this for you?
Aside from Doom, what games would Doomslayer like?
What slipknot song makes you feel like this?