Only 17 avaible ghoul perks
ATTENTION SOON-TO-BE-GHOULS OF APPALACHIA -- you are hereby conscripted to ore detail at radiation rumble.
Level 943, First Nuke
Just curious, are you all going to become ghouls? If so, what makes you want to play as a ghoul?
Minutemen Or Raider settlements, What’s your favourite?
Is Ranni truly the best choice, or is she just idealized because she's a mysterious waifu?
The Golden Lie, I couldn't be happier
Without weapon
[MASSIVE SPOILERS] What's the deal with the King of Puppets, anyway?
Why are the people in my settlement unhappy?
Do you guys prefer survival mode?
I think my Sanctuary is haunted
Worth keeping? My aresenal is already large
Would fo4 have the same succes without settlement building
How it feels picking any ending that isn't Lord of Frenzy or Age of The Stars
Hot take, this is the best P-Organ upgrade in the game
Just killed Nameless puppet on 2nd attempt.
Weapon combination system greatly skewed in favor of technique builds?
Why do people think Romeo is good?
Is it worth it to grind?
Romeo Plot hole
Need help/advice
Sideways invisible wall glitch
Oppressive theocracy gonna oppressive theocracy
NG+4 Boss Attempts and ranking