Have you ever confessed your feelings to a friend and how it turned out?
If one of your female friends would plan to confess feelings for you, how would you like this to happen?
How do you cope with the fact that you can't see the entire world?
F in my 20s. I don’t think I’m ugly but I’d like to know what I can do to look better. Yes I know my weight is an issue and I’m working on it, I’ve lost 10kg in the past few months.
This Is Why You're Not Manifesting
Dating a guy who is addicted to video games
why your sp isn’t coming back (and what actually works)
What’s your pre-date screening approach?
From BHDM: Yes … women are decentering men
Letting them down gently?
Men use dating and women as life boats when their lives are a mess!
Acropolis Athens - fear of height
Dating is just scary
Saw this comment, How true is this?
My worst nightmare he got hurt (just venting)
Neighbor 24 years older …
Techniques/methods for communicating with narcissistic parents
Mom called my nephew fat
Should I hold?
Another FWB scenario gone bad. Colour me surprised.
Hiw can i fix my facial asymmetry
What can I do to look better?
How dare she not wear makeup to my low effort date after a morning of surgery!
Is it too late to start mining?
Blamed for the poor behavior of others on the dating apps