What’s your daily dosage of cocaine
what’s the drug that makes you feel the most euphoric
Nose fucked, will I have to quit forever?
Blow Boofing: The Final Guide
Last stuff I got was bunk. Gave me a sinus infection. This new stuff tho?!
Didn’t trip off .20-.25mg
How long would you put up with this??
the amount of alcohol my mom has consumed in 5 days
Bf got me chocolate for Valentine's day....I got one piece
Why am I not feeling anything anymore?
Can help identify
I wanna know why You like drugs
why shrooms over lsd
Start of bender vs end of bender
Is $30 to cheap for a gram of coke?
This experience was unreal
Is tripping on acid once a month bad?
Has anyone ever met a coke/meth user who said weed was too much for them?
Going to binge in 2 weeks, anything I should know beforehand?
What games do you guys have 1000+ hours in?
Middle schoolers openly smoking a blunt on a crowded train
Is sex on lsd good
What is everyone high on rn and why that drug(s) specifically ?
I met harley quinn in vegas
How long have you watched Goblin?