Finally finished up my annihilators that I have had since Christmas. The shame pile is sloooowly getting smaller!
Lord Vigilant done - do people prefer Hammers of Sigmar or Hallowed Knights?
Who’s winning in this fight?
Got my thousand points done entirely for my Path To Glory campaign.
Help for a beginner
Stormcast Saturday- the brainwashed child soldiers and the real heroes of humanity.
Advice for a new player
What are the weirdest or craziest things the female protagonist has done in [Manga de Wakaru! Fate/Grand Order]?
In my managers office, who is this?
500 point path to glory start, Morhgast vs Necropolis Stalkers?
“For those who cannot accept they have fallen are weak” - Morthag Tar, Beastlord of the Allherd Greatfray
Death Army for Nagash
Whoever keeps drawing Wise in these artwork... please never stop cooking.
What is holding 40K back.
Worth getting Yndrasta spearhead with Skaventide Spearhead
A wonderful wedding (by sieater07)
The Calcium Conjurers
Newly minted Bonereapers ready for path to glory!
What would happen if a person freshly bitten person by a vampire tried to drink a storm cast eternal blood?
Liberators for the Skaventide Spearhead is done.
Differences in Primer?
Need help with my army.
Where to start?
Stormcast Eternals Hallowed knights Liberator
So we got "official" catgirls now?