Grandma thinks all lesbian couples are abusive, based on one incident
President Flumpet is a very good painter. The best painter ever, some people are saying.....
Apparently Trump will end racism in Canada now. WTF lol?
Klandma wants Trump to annex Canada and supposedly stop racism
Grandpa Ben thinks conservatives are victims of fake police reports made by leftists
MAGA Ben thinks conservatives are victims of fake police reports made by leftists
Chuck Schumer resists Trump
Branco claims egg prices and inflation are going down under Trump
My day is ruined
Canadian beaver let's Orange Idiot know how he feels
Sexist Facebook grandpa thinks black women are too bossy and feminist
Anti-Canadian propaganda is rife throughout Facebook MAGA pages now
Granny thinks us Canadians are wimps
Grandma actually believes that Elon is derailing Democratic corruption
Branco is obsessed with hating Ilhan Omar for some reason.
it’s true
Grandma doesn't like people vandalizing Cybertrucks
Another spectacular failure for the Muskrat
Another spectacular failure for Elon
Bigly brained stable genius plays 5D chess
Whatever happened to Trump saying he would follow up on this racist claim at the debate?