Weird growth on my Avocado Seed
how to insure a car if it’s garaged in one state, but the car is in someone else’s name in another?
what does DMT feel like *inside*?
would it be a bad idea to try DMT if i got ptsd from shrooms?
What is your best non-alcoholic celebration treat?
Stay trippy lil hippie
I had quite the experience with the jokesters yesterday.
Struggling as a Vegan Stepfather with My 16-Year-Old Step Son—Need Advice
doctor says i don’t need to be medicated for NC adrenal hyperplasia. i feel i should be. second opinion? endo & psychs especially.
hard riding orgasm with vibrator @0:03
Go learn how to listen to music 🤓
Sliced anatomical diagram of Garfield's complex relationship with lasagna
What do I do in this situation? (I'm white)
least horny meth user
What’s the weirdest DMT trip you’ve ever had?
I listen to a ton of different stuff, so I'm looking for albums from any artist, era, and genre that I haven't heard, so what else should I be listening to based on my favorite artists?