Protien shakes
Omnipod Clinical Trainers
Locked in
Ashamed :( that I never had hba1c below 7.5 in 17 years
The DiaOne: My Dream for a Better Type 1 Life—Why Isn’t This Here Yet?
How far do you drive to work?
Today Marks The 25 Year Anniversary of Survivor
Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
Dosing of insulin given CGM versus fingerstick readings.
Is it normal to be depressed?
Question about insurance coverage
Need most hands off pump system
Omnipod 5 iPhone Dexcom 7
A year has come and gone
Humble Brag
Pump Set Up
4 weeks off Lexapro
How many use a pump or pen?
Does anyone else feel like garbage the day after dealing with high BS
Tapering of 5mg
CGMs and Omnipod
Why is SSRI withdrawal not taken more seriously?
Five days free of psych meds after a 4.5 year taper journey
Hesitate to start
I ate a whole pizza and…