Advice on how to clean up and make this area more street appeal
Is 90k a lot? You literally only have 4 videos over 90 k 😂😂
For those with a B Belly. When did it round out?
Landlords doing it tough
Anyone else getting butterfly feelings in their stomach in first Trimester?
Help! The showers in the backyard
What are you having for dinner tonight? I can’t decide.
How many showers a day?
Working place illness
Early maternity leave from one job but can still work.. need help.
Who picked the baby's name?
Millenials and Gen Z, what are your retirement plans?
Is it too late to get a new degree?
Telling boss you are pregnant is so weird
Name thread?
Deposits to buy land and build a house
FTM when did you first feel movement/kicking?
We just found out the gender
The closer I get the more scared I am.
When is your due date?
Is building something like this still possible?
Feel like I’m missing out.
$90 haircut + shave
I don’t know if I reported right now I’m scared of debt?
Workforce Australia