Michelin Star Monday. Let's go. W segment❤️💯😎
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
2800 cards, not a single crown, anyone else with the same luck?
That realy happend?
I just learned that Shaymin's ability stacks. Free retreat cost for Arceus ex and Dialgo ex
Finally... the true Purpose of this Display Board
Anyone else likes to get their pie cut in squares?
Emily and Katchii are doing what?
My TEDx notes. (Appreciation)
Emily's voice on helium sounds hilarious 🤣
Russel visits the Emily's monster
The community note is back up. Let's keep it up this time.
Context for what Emily meant to to say
Should have tweeted you title as “Blackest member of OTK” and set twitter on fire
5 star service
Close the door!
Emily tries Cinna's bagel
You guys wanna see it?
Arther gives Emily a pep talk
ExtraEmily challenges Fuslie
Emily has a challenge for you
Beautiful Skinny model eats 100 Chicken Nuggets while LSF users sit here and achieve nothing ever
Cockroach enters the restaurant
She couldn't believe her eyes 🤣