Sticky-note-less workshop
Why is it racist to wear braids?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
“Trouble you for a smoke old chap?”
Why do people back into parking spaces?
Fluent French required for luxury HQ roles in Paris. How can I overcome this barrier?
Need to find out what to swap out to make it legal.
Where to get the latest news?
Is green gonna become dated?
Wings are 1.5€/lbs in France. I kid you not.
Westfalia Dropped Their Artillery Witch
If a sin-eater eats the flesh of a metachrist, will they just straight up die???
Attractiveness of the game
Early pregnancy is unbearable
First mini ever. One good Boy done.
What style is this?
So, why is this game at skirmish scale?
What’s a scam that people still fall for, no matter how obvious it is?
Sometimes, I think it’d be easier being a single dad.
Official Soundtrack of Trench Crusade
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
Men who are 30+, what’s one lesson every guy should learn early?
Feeling empty?
Struggling to pick my faction
700pt crew finished