Maybe the oil I am using is better than the GM oil... Trigger Warning: I do my oil changes at short intervals and I change filters earlier than recommended.
Is 25 too late to start over?
Advise for Silverado features for son
Which route should I take?
Getting cold feet (24m, european). Solo one month road trip (in may) from Texas through NM, Utah to Colorado. Is it safe alone? Is 3000 miles/40 hours not too much - am I missing anything if I am looking for spring vibes?
Truck payment for 2025 silverado much down and how long is it financed?
3.0 duramax and wet belt pump vs 2.8 duramax gear-driven pump
V8 or nothing??
What are some of the longest lasting, affordable vehicles between years 2007 to 2015? (Other than Toyotas and Honda CR-Vs, Civics)
My rear drivers side control arm snapped for the second time in 2 years! Any ever expierrnce this? Or would maybe be able to explain why it keeps happening?
Things you can say about pizza making but NOT pleasing your partner
What’s The Absolute Best Car You Haver Ever Owned?
She makes a very good point
Do you have "fuck you money to quit your job for an extended period of time?
What gift did you get from your realtor when you bought your home?
The line at red lobster was insane this afternoon!
Why do Democrats say that Republicans won't win another election if they lose Texas?
Texas Public School Advocates Rally Against School Vouchers, Push for Higher Teacher Pay
$43k sounds crazy to me, what would you pay for a mint 18 year old Dodge?
Things you don't want to hear during a tour of a nuclear power plant
Say hello to my little grocery getter!
What is the classic stereotype associated with the owner of the kind of car you have?
2nd Silverado, 1st diesel
TX vs NM taxes, reposting because I was told the other one wasn't realistic. This is a real world example (my mom's salary and her property value)
What gear do you spend most time in?