NATO vs. Russia & Ukraine: Active Military Personnel (2024)
Recent video of a rescue operation, conducted by Pakistan SOF, in train hijacking in Balochistan.
Russian and Turkish SOF (Possibly SSO and ÖKK) in Syria during joint patrols in 2023 [1080x1079]
What band/genre do you consider the stomp clap hey of metal?
And now the Wombat kidnapper is blaming the Government…
Syria is finished
The housing on my iPhone SE 2022 was destroyed so I swapped it out for a 2020 SE space grey housing.
The New Syrian Constitution closes the door on democracy. The President is supreme and unchecked by either parliament or the judiciary, which is appointed by the President. The President has the right to propose laws and issue decrees with the force of law
Which one is more stylish ? 15 or 16 ?
Hello here is my vdv inspiration proyect, any opinión?(There are still details or improvements missing, for example the Saint George ribbon on the arms)
Just picked up a new iPhone 13
G8+ Ipad mini with usb-c connection
A Belgian, an Italian and a German walk into a bar… SOF operators of said countries pictured during CQB training at ISTC Pfullendorf, 2010’s
A Belgian, an Italian and a German walk into a bar… SOF operators of said countries pictured during CQB training at ISTC Pfullendorf, 2010’s. [1024x683]
Which one do You prefer and why?
To cut or not to cut ?
Got myself the new iPad mini!
!Wrong answer only! What is the name of this flag
Why do so many mukhabarat and shabiha look comically evil?
Syrian diaspora also engulfed by revenge. This woman in the Netherlands says wants Alawites thrown in the sea "so that the fish are not hungry". Video has 2 million views on Tiktok. There are many videos like this
It’s time to buy an iPhone SE3?
EU can regain power only through Türkiye's membership: Erdoğan
Bought this Swedish M90 like wind jacket
What just happened in mashroo3 dummar tarrasat?