Why didn't Atom Eve just manipulate Conquest's mechanical arm?
Lore wise what is going on here..
Won Best Paint job in the Escalation League!
Quick paint job
Why didn't cecil send help right away?
Potential plot hole?
The importance of Drops/Regiments
Is he stupid?
Your favorite throwaway line
New Rumor Engine(Endrin) is giving me hopes for a Skyhook pistol to go Sky-kraken hunting with.
Not to brag but I have 400+ hours in this game and I still haven' seen this guy do his special move 😎
A new set of Royal Arkanauts
Kharadron Overlords "Utility" Hand Weapons and Pirate Helm Sketch
My Concepts for New KO Units
KO manifestations in the lore ?
Flight stands for the UK (shipping magnet baron costs too much)
The Queen's Thunderers!
Descend From the Clouds turn 1?
Barak Rinn's new Navigator!
Trying to understand Union
My Frigate joins the fleet!
Frigate Assembly Problem
Some further progress with nmm armour technique
Aether Khemist done! My favorite model Ive painted