Small guy with a big tool
Ultra OP ZvT below pro?
Asia Server
Guess I won't be showing off my mad diamond skills
GE2025: WP, PSP and SDP to reveal election plans later after studying boundary changes
Who do you NOT wanna see in parliament after the GE?
Diamond push to masters - how did you do it?
Please give me advice
How hard is it to get into the JD?
I'm on a smurf hating train.
Please explain to this Protos how Steady Targetting vs Zerg isn't OP?
Why don't we have an emergency patch to fix P and T on ladder?
Alright, so clearly zerg needs some help, lets brainstorm some buffs to help them out
Never thought this would be possible
ZvT sucks
Can we pls nerf mines?
[PVT] Constantly dies to Terran mid-game pushes. How do I expand past three bases in PVT?
Playing Zerg as a mediocre player is really frustrating right now
Why is matchmaking so bad? Seal clubbing
Is 12 million dollars enough to start a small PE shop?
More support on the way to help Singaporeans cope with cost of living: SM Lee
Why Ultralisks Underperform as a Tier 3 Unit
I want to learn how ghosts are not completely broken in TvP
What grade is this?
What's a proper response to 1 zealot/2 stalker early pressure?