"I want to sit there, so can you move to another seat?"
Hypothetical: How long would it take to fly THROUGH Jupiter?
A Ghost Decides To Quiz Me
Fury Bowser is NOT called "God-Slayer Bowser" in Japanese, despite what you may have read online.
In Lylat Wars/Star Fox 64, is there a route that's considered the "Story/Plot route"?
How to fix YouTube screen tearing on Opera GX
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, what are the major differences between Vita and home console versions?
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Narrator
A Klonoa song, that isn't about Klonoa
'tbn:' strings of characters appearing in Google images search
"You're not hot, you're just racist!"
What is the nicest thing you've ever done for someone?
What's with the Adol and Karja hunger comments in Ys X?
Anyone know when communication 488 comes out?
Ys 9 thoughts
Ys VIII Dr Kiergaad/Nameless Ripper subplot opinions
RCT Classic Crashing
1080p 59.94fps vs 1080i 60fps what is the difference?
“Aaron peters” the destroyer of add-ons
DPD is THE worst delivery company in Britain, and I refuse to believe otherwise (Language warning)
DPD is THE worst delivery company in the UK, and I refuse believe otherwise (Language warning)
Have you ever had DPD lie that they "attempted" delivery?
[OC] “Average” by Tadano Hitohito: the most ordinary album of all time
"I'm not moving until you tell me where my stolen money is!"