I have a friend who has been playing for a long time and in the last few days he hasn't been able to enter the game, it stays at 100% and doesn't enter, does anyone have a suggestion?
I was chilling until this guy had to take a peak
I bet he sells grass for 3 emeralds
How did he not die?
Disconnects and no xp
Is this acceptable?
Are these good stats
PS4/5 - Bugged & SAFE rooms list
Which of these is your favorite?
Best maps on conquest
What's happening? I can't play? It doesn't show anyone's levels and every time I pick up a vehicle I get kicked out of the game
UP Easter Egg: A House Gets Lost on its Way to Paradise Falls
Bayoneting never felt this good before
I visited a historic site today.
What would you do/give to replay HFW for the first time?
Always nice to have someone to help you when you're down.
How did they not see me? I shit myself lol
what the horse doing
Probably one of the best tracks of any Battlefield game
I'm sure he plays better than you
What do you NOT want in the new Battlefield?
First PlayStation platinum!
Joined the game late and decided I was just going to pester the planes lol
Look at his hands movements, I didn't know he was cool like that
A man once said: “Real gamers don’t use the munitions on the jet, but use the jet as ammunition”