I don't wanna train/teach a man ever again
Writing too much and scaring people off
I hate Cersei with a passion. (Over reaction of a new fan)
This Kung Fu Panda 3 quote helps me find peace.
Fear of what if I'm not the best he ever had
Men who swipe right on everyone and text the same things to multiple woman
Boyfriend said I’m average looking
I'm not going to be a hospital for guys who aren't over their ex again!
Do men still find other women attractive despite having a gf or a wife?
I wish not mentioning your exes was a standard
I'm bothered by casual mentions of exes
I wish I could have intimacy without commitment but I don't wanna be judged
Was this a one night stand? XD
To men Whats the smell u prefer on ur girl at night ?
Qualities of a sweet guy
Is being turned on by expressions of pain/ vulnerability sadistic?
Is liking " expressions of pain/vulnerability" sadistic?
Disconnected communication on a date
The things my ex did right
How did your RJ start?
Uncomfortable dreams about you ex
I (27F) stopped talking to my brother(33M) because of his lack of basic human emotions and common sense.
Is your "sex orgasm" better than " masturbation orgasm?"