Saw this video on YT and a guy commented, "She was looking for the HiJab, not expecting the HiHook"😂😂
Saw on Instagram
Congrats to DDP for his win against Strickland
Tatiana S.
Julianna P.
He wants the key now
Sarah Palin in a bikini
Countries With The Most Venomous Animals. Mexico the first with 80, followed by Brazil with 79 and then Australia with just 66.
My happiness is a lie!!
People calling her ugly have wrong priorities...
World happiness index - India 126
Natty or juice?
Cosplaying as LeBron
What are some great songs with piano riffs?
Natalia poklonskaya, Adviser to Prosecutor General of Russia
Thats accurate af (stolen from fb)
Is it only me who thinks that Illa Topuria looks like Lord Farquaad. Even, both of their mannerism looks similiar🤔🤔
Julianna p. is the hottest MILF in mma. Period