cool vid i found ;)
need advice for what misc to go with das ubersternmann and freemanns fashion, 1 or 2? any other suggestions?
GURPS fixes this
kid named Hank schrader body pillow
Mandela Effect? I swear Walt and Jesse had a third partner, Squirrel
Another round of fakemon from my fangame!
Suspiciously Card-Shaped Joker
New biohack
Happens all the time
Saw this funny card and it got me thinking… 10 blue phyrexian mana is too much for me to play, but how low would it have to be dropped before you put it in your decks? I think I’d do 4…
My loadouts for all the Mercs
What's your favourite OneyPlays era?
What would you call this country?
oh god oh fuck
what if yoko wrote homestuck?
this comic reminded me of that one tweet
I'm gonna buy an Aussie Frontier Justice today. What should I name it?
The lord
Iconic Tomar voice role
Is it just me or old skins have more creative/original themes other than X champ but CHINESE
You guys were getting free chests?
They're almost the same, but I love them both <3
Predicting FF Cards: Omnislash
Doodle of Dave's beautiful busty babe
I pray if this skin comes out it's not ass