Why is brazil so immoral, sinful, disrespectful to it’s tradition?! Did the libertation Theology messed the Brazilian Catholic Church THAT bad?
Deniz Camp: Ultimates #11 is entirely made of splash pages and a poem
Baptizing children Catholic when only one parent is Catholic?
Redes sociais e apps de relacionamento criam expectativas delirantes em mulheres inocentes
House wrote this
Quick shout out to the heroes who have fallen during the war that aren’t as welll known as the main cast
Lápis cor de pele, na verdade, nunca foi uma expressão racista
To the people who attend Mass and responds a second faster than everyone in Church. Why do you do that?
Which cross did you get this year?
What mutants deserve to get their powers neutralized
I did not know Rayleigh and Scopper showed up back in volume 2😭🙏
Ramadan Mubarak to all the Muslims here
Barba branca
Which elimination methods are canon? Day 12 - Isle of sgail
sign of the cross as a protestant ?
Megumi was raised by the Gojo clan (Theory)
I’m surprised why there hasn’t been an animated series based on X factor considering it won three awards
Something I heard from a priest online broke my heart
Do you guys believe in the “Prophecy of the Popes”
Ateus/agnósticos, se vocês escolhessem uma religião para seguir, qual seria?
Which mutants are really good at some form of art?
Why does anyone even lives in New York at this point?
Which elimination method is canon? Day 7 - Hawkes bay
Are these couples still together or where they off panel ended?