Brilliance takes many forms.
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 16
Storm to appear in 'Marvel Knights: The World To Come' by Joe Quesada and Christopher Priest about the future of the marvel universe
Was there a gay president before Lincoln?
"I can't believe she's gone." (@TinyBaer)
Drawing every mutant (until I tire out) – Bobby Drake
How many X men dreamt On having a Normal life?
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 15
Which writer writes each member of the o5 (and Havok and Polaris) the best?
I Bought This!
Trying to get into the series
Phenix desperately needs a shot in the arm
Lorna and Alex break up who should be Lorna new boyfriend or girlfriend
Rogue the protective wife.
Wall Street’s recession odds are starting to look like a coin flip as Trump refuses to back down on his trade war
Top 20 Fantastic Four Stories Day 2
Which X men are the fantastic four not particularly fond of at all
Ben and Johnny do not like Rasputin IV? They’re genuinely not fond of her at all
Trump’s tariffs: Great Depression shows why tariffs are such a bad idea
"He may start to hope again." [X-Men/Fantastic Four #5, 2005]
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 14
What Next after Claremont?
Do you think that any party will have the presidency for longer than 2 terms ever again?
LBJ was the last President to have a trifecta with a 2/3 majority in both houses of Congress.
I don't understand Rachel Sunmers' age