Some GM,NM, and vothana
Two of my favorites in recent years
Aktion T4 - O.A.B.A.W.P.
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract + Fuck Christ Tour ‘93
Pickups of the past few weeks
Kūka'ilimoku // Ebony Pendant Split
It's just another mountain! Devin Townsend's best: Terria
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars
Muhammad Pedophile - Al-Kaʿba In Flames
Recent find at Vinyl Daze in VB....
Ad Hominem - Totalitarian Black Metal
Mutiilation - Vampires of the Black Imperial Blood
Some recent pickups
Tank - Honour & Blood (1984)
Nite - Cult of the Serpent Sun
K.P.N Ballade Cuntre Lo Anemi Francor 🇫🇷
Who's catalog takes up the most space on your shelves? It's either Vothana, Satanic Warmaster or Leviathan for me.
A…. Kampf
Conqueror and Hate Forest
What metal band/artist can you simply not stop telling people about?
What are we listening to tonight fellas?
Moonblood - Taste Our German Steel!
no pleasure in life - happiness is not an option