This is too easy how do u guys lose?
Wish I could have held it for 10 mins longer!
128 shares of tesla
Calls? I stand but my puts.
Bulls? Tomorrow still green?
Tesla calls
Are we cooked?
My Setup for AAPL put next week
Y’all have a good weekend. Bull or Bear it doesn’t matter
Can we do reverse GameStop on Tesla
As soon as tomorrow opens,
Tesla puts
What we thinking for monday and this upcoming week?
Military action
told you so TSLA Gains
What am I doing wrong. 5 years and 15k down the drain.
22m guess my profession by my biweekly pay
Bull run
555 Put for monday
Up 62% in the first 2 weeks
Can someone help me with a basic options concept and theory?
Another indication that you shouldn't short the lows and we should be looking at a *counter uptrend* (not a reversal)
Long Calls, One Spy Short
Over the years
24/7 trading