Should we replace Google accounts and how?
Any ADHD sewing champions?
Eli5. What’s the difference between “She has used the bag for three years” and “She has been using the bag for three years”.
What kind of animal is this?
Ive recently started bonding with my bunny. Why is she standing on me for the past 5 minutes? Am I being claimed?
anyone else?
Taylor Swift & Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe) singing Smelly Cat Live on “The 1989 World Tour” made my day
Why do we not wait for the green man to cross the road but they do in some European countries?
Am I (32F) overreacting over "show of love" from my husband (32M)
When you bring luggage to your car and come home to quiet house with two dogs in it
Vyhody ceskeho obcianstva pre slovakov?
"Just because you are diagnosed, does not mean you are right about me!" ...ahuh, say hi to Fred,Jose, Donald, and new members Sam and Arnold in on the bathtub. Might as well name them if they ain't leaving
AITA - Girlfriend won’t let dogs sleep in our room
This is the second time he does this, thankfully caught his sneaky ass on camera the second time. No one believed me when I said I felt he planned it the first time, this video would say other wise lol.
The hunt is on, better with sound
I stopped taking Strattera as I'm doing IVF and my brain started working in mysterious ways
CMV: we should stop throwing around the term "socialism" in mainstream American political discourse
TIFU by forgetting that cats love catnip so much they don't care where they find it
A podcast has helped me keep my kitchen clean for 5 days in a row!
My girlfriend is pregnant. Her family promised support but kicked her out today
Circumcision is one of the stupid things that religion made us do
When my dog has more game than me
Shepherds, one of the smartest breeds, this one spent her vet visit protecting me from evil that just would not move off the wall