The Father of Make Believe
What's the first song you're playing?
Vaxis 3, I was expecting Something a little Harder than Window, but I'll tell you straight up
Here we go!
Primal Groudon Raid Now Pineapplelexus b on line 8549 8477 3125 I’m mega Charged hope u r too!! 8549 8477 3125
746142503131 amped toxtricity (T4 tag not available)
Mega sableye 746142503131
Turtonator 746142503131
746142503131 mega houndoom
Any idea what this morph is?
Kyogre 746142503131
Help identifying a morph
Mega rayquaza 746142503131
746142503131 mega rayquaza
Buzzwole 746142503131
746142503131 blacephalon
Blacephalon 746142503131
Mega gyarados 746142503131
Tapu fini 746142503131