Arcane Soundtrack Collection
JoJo Soundtrack Collection
Ankama Music Collection
Wakfu Retold - Complete Edition
King Crimson! Skip the recaps!
Stone Ocean Recap & Theme Song Timestamps
Radiant Anime Soundtrack
Favorite Adopted Family?
The most memorable villain is not the endgame
What scenes become hilarious upon rewatch?
Pucci REALLY hates that silly hat
Sacrifice one.
French cartoons are goated
Villains unmasking a hero, only to be unhappy with the result
Scenes where a character does one last act of defiance against their adversaries before dying
What are retcons people actually like?
Any Arcane fans here? Silco reminds me a lot of 2012 Shredder, especially their relationships with their "daughters"
Favorite cartoon based off a video game series?
Villains who implement clock sounds into their music themes
I feel like the first half of any Ben 10 show is better than the second half. Who else agrees?
Has anybody else noticed how incredibly similar Nox, Julith, and Jiva are?
The English dubs for the Nox and Ogrest OVAs are no longer lost media.
What characters became more unlikeable the more they appeared?
Ben and the Omnitrix in a nutshell
I love you as I love God