Viable or in need of improvement? ML Hwa
eff res or atk% ring for big evil red kayron?
About the brawl shop
I can’t believe I am just now building him.
Nice try SG
My Eligos
#エピックセブンイラコン4新衣装 Epic Seven - Birgitta - Bruno Kerlingのイラスト - pixiv
Saw the top 8 art contest post, quite underwhelmed.
Top 8 Pixiv Art Contest Round 4 (Preliminary Results Based on Number of Likes, Submission Period Already Ended)
Does the attack compensate enough for the CDmg?
If it is stupid but it works.....
Is she still good?
Sigret contest entry (art by 95 @Jiuwujiang)
Finally got her!
Night Master Mui Pixiv Contest Entry by 승자 / Sungja (@sungja_C)
I finished building my Top Model Luluca, thoughts about it.
Roana epic seven art contest
I want to make Harsetti better - how specifically?
My Celine design for 4th contest
Daily Questions Megathread (02/22)
Peira seems to be as broken as initially predicted anyways
2nd Submission for Art character design
Would you say Solitaria is worth a couple of ten pulls?
Daily Questions Megathread (02/19)
What's going on with the art contest?