[HIRING] Looking for content re-posters.
just hit 800 monthly listeners as an independent musician after 5 years!
American Airlines plane catches fire at Denver airport
Britain ‘no longer a rich country’ after living standards plunge - Parts of the UK are now worse off than the poorest regions of Slovenia and Lithuania
New community for Music Industry Pros
I want to listen to your music
Someone wanna help me with a melody?
Left vs. Right Battle Royale Open Thread
PLOSSIVES are pissing me off!
Gain Staging is the death of me MY LAWDD im pissed
DNA test conflicting fitness advice out there
DNA results contradicting what everyone is saying....
a simple little song, curious what you think
Looking for feedback on whether this song is ready for posting! (First song posted here, many more to come)
My first ever happy song!
Suspicion of EE staff taking picture of my sensitive information
what songs do you guys get ready to on a night out?
girls! what songs do you listen to when getting ready to go out
is bandlab down?
TikTok Dancers, how does one go about it?
Dancers of TikTok
What’s your biggest challenge as an artist?