Tf is a scoomgang
Street signs I fudged with
Give me songs about drugs or drug innuendos
already got ts on my ipod
I am new to carti
What is this flag my neighbor put up?
Do you frown on modded accounts?
Best shampoo for locs?
We really gotta die one day yo
How do you protect your hair if you work somewhere dirty?
Do you use
Dick Face
You like slam?
It fxcking hurts
It’s sad man
Yo What Type Time He On??? 🤨 Ya Mans Saquon Is Scatted lol
What did they do to my poor breakfast burrito
What’s something you’ve only scrobbled once?
Did he deserve all of this right here
All time 10x10. Recommendations?
All time 10x10. Recs?
What is this??
What the hell was that