Really got a kick out of "Terf tranny alliance".
Favorite artist who raps about shooting black men?
Which artists get “out-rapped” by feature artists/remixes the least?
you can’t make this up
Is this any good? I'm taking music composition as an elective.
Zoey zephyr is helping trans people enter politics
When you think about it, yaoi is pretty agp
"I'll be okay if you just cut the left wire, and then the right wire in that order!"
Albums/songs/artists that are masterful showcases of atmosphere?
Drake the type of childish charlie to ask Kendrick "If you like SZA so much why don't you maaaaarrry her?"
Drake the type of movie ticket seller to be fooled by two young hooligans in a trenchcoat into selling them tickets to an R rated movie
drake the type of corny ass to use his oc as a reaction ima- oh shit that's me
Were the Heralds inspired by the 3 Nephites in the Book of Mormon?
Drake the type of gentleman to be upset that patriarchy, gender pay gap, sexism, manipulative men, period cramps still exist (he is over 6ft and makes over 100 million Canadian dollars a year also he is very handsome)
Is Drake the modern day version of Elvis?
I'm on version 1.0.1 of the recomp and I keep getting weird glitches despite the game running mostly fine, y'all know any fixes?
Day 4: If I Fell won! What is the most pansexual song?
Where is the home-of-phobia?
In all of rap, which song has the besț flow?
Day 3: You've got to hide your love away is the gayest song. What is the most bisexual Beatles song?
Day 2: Norwegian Wood has won! What is the gayest Beatles song?
Cloudy spring day
Day 1: What is the most lesbian beatles song?
Whenever I get nervous about the way things are headed in the U.S., I remeber that guys like Drake have our backs.