Where did all the color go?
No vomiting
Minimalist Hospital Bag
Disability paperwork
Buy the damn maternity jeans
Provider may (or may not) have revealed sex 3 weeks out
Nursing Bras
Should I tell my husband that I’m pregnant?
What relief did you notice immediately or shortly after giving birth?
First time moms, how old are you?
Ashamed of my dinner tonight…
What is the single best maternity clothing item you own/have purchased?
Unexpected hospital bag items
How is my body capable of 8 more weeks of this? 3T MISERY
Zero Communication?
Spectra S1 - Which medical supply company did you use and what was the upcharge?
Spectra s1 or s2?
Is anyone else just wondering if they’re even actually pregnant?
Referral offer still in progress
If you’re married, how long did you wait to get pregnant after tying the knot?
Natera Scam
Why is everything so gender specific, and why does it matter??
To all the moms feeling guilty about their nurseries, I'm being induced tomorrow and here's my corner o' baby crap in the living room
Why is my family making me and my husband feel like bad guys for actually planning before we try for a child
Awake from my 3am pee